The Hyperstamp Catalog

Paste these anchors into your HTML documents to assert your rights. Click on a stamp to learn more about it.

Click here to view the catalog with miniature stamps.

Copyright The Copyright Hyperstamp.

Same as (C). You are asserting your copyright under international law.

MentionMe The Mention Me Hyperstamp.

Copy this all you want, copy any part, but please mention my name as your source.

FreeUse The FreeUse Hyperstamp.

This material may be freely copied and used for any purpose whatsoever.

NotForMicrosoft The Not For Microsoft Hyperstamp.

No employee of Microsoft may obtain or process this material. Any violation will be considered a violation of my copyright.

DoNotPrint The Do Not Print Hyperstamp.

For on screen viewing only. Please do not print this material.

NoNamedStorage The No Named Storage Hyperstamp.

Please do not store this material at a named location (like a file other tthan an automatically assigned temporary file on your hard disk).

InternetOnly The Internet Only Hyperstamp.

This material may be distributed only through the internet.

OwnedInfo The Owned Information Hyperstamp.

I own the information covered by this stamp.

OwnedBehavior The Owned Behavior Hyperstamp.

I own the behavior (algorithm) of this software.

Readright The Readright Hyperstamp.

This material is for you alone. It may not be reproduced or redistributed.

RegisteredCopyright The Registered Copyright Hyperstamp.

This material bears a registered copyright.

NotFinished The Not Finished Hyperstamp.

This is a draft version of an unfinished final document. You may copy the material, but you may not redistribute it.

NotForResale The Not For Resale Hyperstamp.

This material may not be resold without my express written permission.

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Copyright 1995 Bright Plaza, Inc.